Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Women in Scripture-Introducation Part I

As we begin our study of the women of the Holy Land, remember:

So many woman! Many unnamed and unnoticed! Women are seen everywhere. Every mention of “the people, children of Israel, the congregation, the crowd, the multitude, town, cities,” etc…all include women and children. Where the men went, there were women. Where there were armies or navies, there were women. Women were witness and participants to all the events in the Holy Land.

People traveled and settled where there were three key ingredients: water, food and protection (security). Women bore the children, managed the household and took care of the men. Women supported men and were their ‘helpers.’ Women ‘complemented’ the men.

Water means life, and where there was water, there was civilization, and women, children and families (pools, wells, oasis, lakes, wells, etc.)

Wherever children are mentioned, there are women. Jesus blessed the children and healed the adults. Even the adults had mothers, sisters and other female friends and relatives who looked on in surprise and belief, and sometimes shame.

For almost every well known man there are women surrounding him as mother, wife, sisters and friends. Kings had hundreds of unnamed concubines. The enemies of Jesus and Israel, had wives and daughters. Some apostles probably had wives that followed Jesus.

What affected the men, affected their wives and families: wars, peace, punishments, plagues, and promises. As wars were waged, cities destroyed, peoples taken captive, women and children were displaced, killed, taken captive.

Warfare meant the making of widows.

Women were plunder and the spoils of war(2 Chron 28:8).

The Holman Bible Dictionary states,“From the ancient world until now, society stands or falls according to its infrastructure, that is, the family, over which the wife and mother is to preside.” (Holman Bible Dictionary, Holman Bible Publishers, Nashville: 1998. pg 1679.)

(Part II tomorrow)

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