Monday, July 23, 2007

N - Women of the Holy Land:Walk Where They Walked

Psalm 122:6a Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

Nain The woman of the city of Nain was weeping at the casket of her dead son on the way to the burial when Jesus stopped in his travels and raised him from the dead. She did not approach Jesus to ask for the miracle. He never indicated that she had any faith. He had compassion on her, saw her sorrow, and raised her son. Many people were witnesses of this event and were amazed (Luke 7:11-17).

Nazareth First settled 1500 B.C. Nazareth is way between Sea of Galilee and the Mediterranean Sea. Hometown of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. During the time of the life and ministry of Jesus it was considered an insignificant town, with a population of less than 1,000. Nathanial said, “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?”

The Angel Gabriel appeared to Mary in Nazareth to announce the miracle of Jesus’ birth. Today there is a church built over the site of a well that has been used since the time of Jesus. It is considered by many as “Mary’s Well” and the site where the angel appeared to Mary. There is no mention of the well in Scripture.

After Mary visited Elizabeth at En Karim, she returned to Nazareth until she left with Joseph to travel to Bethlehem (Luke 1:57-59).

Mary and Joseph were parents to Jesus who, ‘grew in wisdom, statue, and favor with God and man’ ( in Nazareth - Luke 2:52). Mary became a widow in Nazareth. Townspeople reject Jesus (Luke 4:16-31). Mary and Joseph had sons and daughters in Nazareth (Mt. 13:55-56; Mk. 6:3).

At the last recorded visit of Jesus to his home town, the men and women(including his relatives) of the city rejected Him after He taught in the synagogue. They drove Him out of town to the brow of a cliff, intending to throw Him off to His death (Mt. 13:54; Mk. 6:1ff; John 7:1ff; and read Isaiah 61:1-2; 58:6). Nazareth only became of note because of the life of Jesus. (See note on Synagogue). See: Mary’s prayer (Lu.1:46-56)

Negev Part of the Negev was given by Caleb to his daughter Achsah (Acsah)(Josh.15; 1 Chr. 2:49).

Nimrod’s Fortress Northern Galilee near Mt. Hermon. Has nothing to do with the
Biblical Nimrod. This is ruins of a Muslim fortress from the 12th century built to stop the Crusaders. The fortress was built and refortified several times. The view of the Hula Valley and the Golan is worth the stop.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

M - Part II

Mt. Arbel see Arbel.

Mt. of Beatitudes North western area of Sea of Galilee, near Capernaum and Tabgha.
Crowds of men, women and children would have heard the message that Jesus preached the “Sermon on the Mount.” Matthew. 5. Har Ha’osher.

Mt. Carmel Elijah’s confrontation with the prophets of Baal (1 Kin. 18:21-40). Jezebel
almost single handedly turned the nation of Israel into pagan worshippers of Baal. Area on coast from Mt. Carmel north was area of tribe of Asher. Anna, the prophetess was from tribe of Asher (Luke 2). See Jezreel Valley.

Mt. Gilboa Range of Mountains in Jezreel Valley. Saul consulted the “witch” of End
Dor before he fought with the Philistines at Mt. Gilboa. Site where Saul and sons were killed by the Philistines. The people showed disrespect for Saul, the man chosen by God to lead Israel by beheading him and hanging his body on the walls of the city (1 Chro. 10:1,8). Tradition has it that a curse has been put on Mt. Gilboa by God. Despite all the modern technology and advanced farming skills, nothing will grow on one side of the mountain.

Mt. Moriah
Temple Mount area. Where Abraham prepared to sacrifice Isaac. (Did Sarah
know what was happening?) North end is Calvary/Golgotha The south end is called City of David. Just above the area called David’s City is where David bought Arunahas threshing floor. Where Solomon built the first Temple. At the north end is a bluff or abutment that rises up out of the ground. The erosions have carved out an impression of a face, with eyes, nose and moth. This is Golgotha/Calvary. The women would have followed Jesus through the Damascus gate, to the cross. Women from the city would have passed by and seen Jesus on the cross. A few hundred yards from Golgotha is the Garden Tomb (Luke 23:32, 35). Present day old Jerusalem.

Mt. of Olives
Jesus spent time here with His disciples (Luke 19:28ff). Area noted for the
Olive grove, hence, the name “Mount of Olives.” The disciples, some may have included the women who followed Him, watched as Jesus ascended into the clouds. (Luke 24:52; Acts 1:12). Kidron Valley to the west must have been a frequently traveled area for men and women of Jerusalem and Bethany.

Mt. Tabor. Located in Jezreel vally. 1750 feet above sea level. Area of battle of Deborah, the prophetess, and Barak the general, against Sisera, a Canaanite king. Deborah advised Barak to lead the battle, but he refused without her going along. She said, “I will indeed go with you, but you will not gain fame” (Judg. 4:4-9). Sisera’s army was bogged down in the mud and he fled. Jael killed Sisera by driving a spike in his head. Jael was praised in a song about the victory (Judg. 4:4- 5:6). Mother of Sisera mentioned in Deborah’s song (Judg. 5:28). See Deborah and Barak’s song (Judg. 5:1-31). Tabor is one of the sites that may be the Mt. of Transfiguration. Mt. Tabor looks like an upside-down bowl. See En Dor.

- if you have an interest in Deborah be sure to see my other blogs:;

Sunday, July 8, 2007

M - Part I

Genesis 12:3 "And I will bless them that bless thee and curse him that curseth thee; and in thee shall all nations of the earth be blessed."

Machareus, Machaerus Eastern side of Dead Sea in Jordan (Moab), not far from Arnon
River. Ruins, El Mashnaka, of one of the major building projects of Herod the Great reveals what seems to be a castle dungeon. A fortress/palace. John the Baptist may have been imprisoned and beheaded here when Herodias asked for his head on a platter. According to Mosaic law marriage to a sister-in-law was forbidden and John preached against it. “Salome” is never named in the Scripture. The ancient writer, Josephus, states her name. An ancient coin has preserved the appearance of Salome along with that of her husband, Aristobulus. The coin bears the inscription, “ King Aristobulus-Queen Salome.” Salome must have been about nineteen years old when John was beheaded. Major building projects of Herod included the Temple, his Winter Palace in Jericho, Masada, Machareus, Heroidan and the fortress at Megiddo. (Matt. 14:3; Mark 6:17; Luke 3:19)

Machpelah, Cave lies on a slope opposite ruins of Biblical Hebron. Caves were often used as burial sites (Gen. 49:29-32). See Hebron.

Madaba, Eastern side of Jordan River in Jordan. Home of Ruth and Oprah. Famous mosaic of ancient Jerusalem at the time of the Roman Cardo was found in Madaba.

Magdala, Migdal At the time of Jesus this was a very prosperous fishing village also
known in Greek as Tarichaea, or ‘pickle town.’ Home town of Mary Magdalene
of whom Jesus cast out seven demons (Lu. 8:1-2). No where in Scripture does it ever state that Mary Magdalene was a prostitute. She is seen as a devoted follower of Jesus, and possible leader of the women. Magdala served as the base for the Zealots during the Great Jewish Revolt (66-70 ad.) Franciscans have unearthed a central square, streets and buildings. Midgal is the present day Arab village adjacent to the ruins of Madgala. (See Jesus Boat)

Main area of habitation for Abraham and his family. Famous for its oak trees.
Burial site. Now Ramet et-Chalil, two miles north of Hebron. (See Hebron).

Masada Site where Jews took their stand against the Roman military 66-73 A.D. Nine
hundred and sixty men, women and children chose death before surrender to the Romans. One woman and two children lived to tell the story. Major building projects of Herod included the Temple, his Winter Palace in Jericho, Masada, Machareus, Heroidan and the fortress at Megiddo.

Megiddo Major archaeological excavation site. Seventy foot mound with twenty layers
of ancient civilizations has been unearthed. Many different civilizations and people groups lived on this site. Many battles fought in this area. Where there were battles and armies, there were women. Deborah and Barak fought near this site (Judges 5). One of Solomon’s major building projects. Scripture indicates that the Battle of Armageddon will take place near Megiddo (Ezekiel 38; Rev. 16). With modern standards, women will be part of the army at Armageddon. Twelve miles south of Nazareth, twenty five miles from the Mediterranean Sea in the Jezreel Valley (1 Kin. 4:12; 19:15-19; 2 Kings 23:29).

Megiddo, along with Hazor, has recently been named a World Heritage site by UNESCO, as an honor that recognizes its cultural and historical importance. In 2005, at a prison near the ancient site of Megiddo, the ruins of a 4th century A.D. church were unearthed.

This may have been one of the earliest Christian places of worship in ancient Israel. Mosaics indicate the name of Jesus. Prison officials state that the ruins of the church are more important than the prison, and the prison will be moved. Israel hopes to develop this site into a tourist attraction.

See Magdala.

Mizpah of Gilead
Jephthah killed his daughter after vowing to kill the
first person to come through the doors of his house, in exchange for God providing a victory over the Ammonites (Judg. 11:34ff). She asked to be allowed to live two months to wander in the mountains (Judg. 11:34-40). This site is Ramath-mizpeth (of the tribe of Gad), east of Jordan River ( Josh, 13:26).

Moab Land of Ruth and Orpha in Madaba. Read about Ruth and Orpha in the book of
Ruth (Matt. 1:5). Western side of the Jordan.

Moreh, Hill Area of Jezreel Valley. North side of Harods Springs. Biblical Shunem was
on the slopes of Mt. Moreh. Here Elijah raised the Shunammites son (2 Kin.4:8ff). Midianites who fought with Gideon camped on hill of Moreh (Judg. 7:1). Present day Jebel Dahy, North west of Mt. Gilboa.

Monday, July 2, 2007

L - Women of the Holy Land: Walk Where They Walked

Deut. 32:8-10 “When the Most High gave the nations their inheritance, When He separated the sons of man, He set the boundaries of the peoples According to the number of the sons of Israel. For the LORD'S portion is His people; Jacob is the allotment of His inheritance. He found him in a desert land, And in the howling waste of a wilderness; He encircled him, He cared for him, He guarded him as the pupil of His eye.” (Read Deut 32:7-14)

Psa. 17:8 Keep me as the apple of the eye; Hide me in the shadow of Your wings

Prov 7:2 Keep my commandments and live, And my teaching as the apple of your eye.

Lazarus Tomb Traditional site of the burial and resurrection of Lazarus. Bethany area. Where Mary and Martha were comforted by Jesus (John 11). Jewish custom was to bury the body immediately after the death because warm weather rapid decay. A decaying body invited animal and birds to attack it. To permit a body to decay or be damaged was a sign of disrespect. Burial was most often in a cave, or a burial site dug out of the side of a hill or mound of earth.

Lithostros See Ecco Homo.

Lod, Lydda Founded 1500 B.C. Originally a Canaanite city. Returning families from exile settled here (Ezra 2:33; Neh. 7:37; 11:35). Important in the travels of Peter. “And all who lived in Lydda and Sharon saw him and they turned to the Lord” (Acts 9:32-35). Site of the modern day Ben Gurion Airport. Eleven miles southeast of Joppa. (1 Chr. 8:12;).

- if you have an interest in the women of the Holy Land be sure to see my other blogs:;