Friday, December 31, 2010

Alpha and Omega at Christmas

The Alpha and Omega – Comes as a Baby to Bethlehem

Happy Birthday Jesus! Thank You for coming in the form of a human to bring salvation to me.

I wonder if we have become somewhat desensitized to the story of the birth of Jesus.

Jesus. Yes Jesus came as a baby to save us from our sins. That is the wonderful message of Christmas. He had to come so that He could die for us.

We form the scene of the birth of Jesus in our minds. Perhaps we see a barn with a wooden manger in it. Perhaps a cave. A man and woman holding a newborn infant. We usually imagine cows or sheep on the perimeter – with shepherds, and perhaps the wise men bowing before them.

Now think of that Baby as the Alpha and the Omega. The Beginning and the End.

Jesus, the Alpha and Omega, came as a human infant to a little village in Israel. The King of the Universe took on human flesh and became the child of a simple man and woman. From the glories of heaven, He gave His life over to their care – without control, totally dependent on human parents. He came, knowing what had gone on before, from the foundations of time, and knew how it would all end…the Alpha and the Omega.

With those thoughts in mind, Jesus as the Alpha and Omega, does the story of the birth of Jesus take on any new meaning to you? Does it cause you to look at Christmas, and we way we celebrate at church, at home, in our hearts, in a different way?

We can never really understand what the God of the Universe experienced as He became a human infant, but lets open our minds eye to a little fantasy.

Imagine standing in the bright summer sunshine and looking down at an ant hill. We tower over the little mound of dirt and watch the ants scurry in and out of the brown cone of dirt. We have knowledge and technology, they have none. They are humans and they are dirty little creatures. I wonder if that is somehow how God looks down at our lives.

What if you decided to change into the form of an ant and become one of them, live like them, speak with them, and try to tell them about human life. Does that stretch your imagination? Does the thought of taking on their form and lifestyle disgust you? To give up your warm and safe home, car, job, loved ones - to live as an ant for years.

Jesus is God, and God is perfect, so He did this all out of love for us….to give His life in exchange for the chance for us to spend eternity with Him. The Alpha and the Omega taking on the form of a human baby –coming for our good, not for His. The Alpha and Omega giving up the throne of Heaven, and constant worship of the angels, to come to earth for our good. What a thought!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Christmas and the Book of Revelation

Christmas and its Connection with the Book of Revelation

As I sat in my pew today, listening to a wonderful sermon about the baby Jesus I was struck with the thought that the Christmas story is really the prologue to the book of Revelation.

“The Revelation of Jesus Christ” is what we call it. The ‘revealing’ of the King of Kings returning to the earth as He has promised. First He had to come as a baby.

His promise seems soon to be fulfilled. He said He is coming back, and I believe that He is coming back within our lifetime – the Christmas story was just the beginning. The prophecy was made that a virgin would give birth to a child and He would save us from our sins. He came to die for us….and then to come back for us to bring “HIStory” to an end.

WOW….I will see Christmas this year through different eyes…. The Book of Revelation is upon us….and the Christmas story was just the prologue.

12/20 The next day.....some one asked to see my notes on this topic ...this is what I responded..

The theme is ....if Revelation is the unveiling of Jesus and the end of the story....then the baby born in Bethlehem is the beginning. God humbled himself and came as a infant who depended on a human mother to care for him, as the Creator, a simple man and woman cared for all his needs....He was, even then, the King of Kings, but came to save us from the horrors of an eternity separated from Him. He promised to come back after He died for us.

The book of Revelation is all about the keeping of His promise....the baby has grown into the Majestic "King of Kings" as described in Rev. Chapter 1. From a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes, laying in a manger, to God, wrapped in glory, with the glowing garments of a priest, white hair as the Ancient of Days, with the sword of truth and judment coming out of His mouth, His eyes piercing through us like flames of fire, His feet like bronze, and his voice like the mighty noise, similar to Niagra Falls or a Tsunami. The little baby is a baby no more!!

From little newborn baby to the Ancient of Days! And it all started in Bethlehem!

He is keeping His promise to come back to not only judge the world, but to take us home.

The God of all Creation came as a baby, taken care of by His creation….a simple man and women. He was wrapped in swaddling clothes that He created. The King of Kings, the King of the Jews, the King of the Holy Land….was worshipped by ‘three Kings.”

Old Testament prophecy pointed to the Messiah coming. The baby came.

Old Testament prophecy pointed to a Suffering Servant. The baby came.

The Messiah said He would come back for us, that He would come back to Judge the world……the book of Revelation is that unveiling….the unveiling of the little baby, now transformed into the King of Kings…finally returning.

That is sort of the outline off the top of my head.

PS I often wonder why the Shepherds and the Magi didnt stay around.....they were in the presence of the Messiah....came and left....???? Did you ever hear a sermon about that??

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Amazing things about the Book of Revelation

Even before we actually sit down together and study Revelation I am finding some very exciting things in the book. I personally have never studied Revelation in detail, and knew that I was into many hours in the book as we undertook this Chapter 1 promises...I am already blessed to be studying the book of Revelation. Here are two things that I have learned.

First of all...the Book of Revelation is a love story! Yes a love story! What a concept!

In Tim LaHays book "The Merciful God of Prophecy' he points out that all of prophecy is about love.... how God loves us enough to not only warn us about what will be taking place, but...warning us so that we might choose Him - choose salvation in the arms of Jesus. That is the God of love and mercy. If there is doom and gloom in prophecy it has to do with warning people, and showing the Almighty God in action. There is always the message of "choose God" before the final day of humanity comes to an end. God gives mercy upon mercy upon mercy, then He becomes the Judge. He loves us as long as He can. He warns us as long as He can. Judgment must come at some point.

The other thing I just read, and really enjoyed the thought...In Dr. David Jeremiahs book "Escape the Coming Night," a review of Revealtion, he discusses the seven churches in chapters two and three. He makes an interesting comment.....for those who say they do not have to go to church, do not have to attend group worship because they can worship at home alone, just reading chapters 2 and 3 discount this. God speaks directly to groups of people in churches. He focuses on people who have come together to live and worship. No where does God seem to speak to those ' lone ranger' Christians who chose not to be part of a body of believers. WOW! What a great thought.

Just these two toughts alone have greatly blessed my study. Can't wait to get into the following chapters, and to have a group of ladies to discuss this all with in a few weeks.

I highly recommend the two books that I have just mentioned.

Lets hope Jesus comes back before I get the opportunity to post my next blog!!! Keep looking up for His glorious appearing!!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Revelation Chapter 1 Overview

A thought provoking question before we begin. So many of us are studying the End Times. Many of us believe that we are the generation that will experience the you? If you answered yes ....then I ask myself, and you...."so what?" If we believe that our time here is limited, that the trumpet could blow in the next year or is our life different? Do we act like we believe it? I am going to give some deep thought to that question in my own life.... Now On To Revelation.


Here is an interesting prayer from Jimmy De Young “Lord help me to not study Your prophetic Word for knowledge only but for that which helps me to see the urgency of the moment and then to live expecting You to shout today for me to join You in Heaven." (Jimmy DeYoung’s Until Newsletter )

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­LESSON 1 – Revelation 1

The book of Revelation was written so that we might have “Jesus revealed” (1:1), so for each chapter we will see what is revealed about Jesus.

STOP! Read Chapter 1.
Look for those special words, “because” / “for” (when it means because), and “but”….also any other ‘word searches’ you might want to do. (If you are new to our studies, call me and I can explain this)

LOOK! Read the chapter again. Here is where we ask questions.
What titles are given for Jesus?
What does Jesus say?
What are the words of Jesus?
What does Jesus look like?
Give a short summary of the chapter.

Verse 3 is a blessing….write it out.

Verse 6: what about you and me? Are we kings (queens) and priests?

Verse 7:How is He coming back?

Pick one other verse (besides 7) that you like, or have a question about and write it out. (Writing helps us remember, I will often ask you to write out verses.)

LISTEN! Read the chapter again….perhaps using a different version. (Here it is ok to use one of the paraphrase Bibles because you have done your deep study already)

What is God trying to teach us in this chapter?_______________________

What if this information had been left out of Scripture?_________________

How does this chapter impact my life today here in TN? ____________________

Bring you notes to class with you. I will try to make the class more interesting and we probably will discuss other aspects of this chapter and not go back over this information in detail.