Friday, April 27, 2007


Lets take a little side trip away from the cities of the Holy Land to give some advice about travel to Israel. After a dozen trips to Israel I would like to share some suggestions to make your trip more enjoyable.

Bring wash cloths – Hotels do not have wash cloths/face cloths. I go to Wal Mart and purchase a pack of 15 washcloths for about $5 and take them with me – I use them and throw them away.

I bring x100 one dollar bills. You can always bring money home. Do not take anything larger than a $20 bill unless you know that there is an expensive item that you want to purchase. It is so much easier to deal with smaller bills. American money is accepted EVERYWHERE. You NEVER have to change into sheckles. If you want to exchange some money, NEVER exchange money at the hotel (the exchange rate is terrible.) I have never had any trouble using my credit card if I was shopping at a site where my tour guide took us. If you are out in town by yourself – you are on your own!!

I wear a ‘fanny pack’ to hold my cash and my passport. It is never off my body unless I am in my hotel room. To lose your passport is a major problem. Consider your passport the most important item that you have!!!

I use a backpack on the bus during the day to keep my things together, and to be able to carry my notebook and Bible, and of course all my purchases for the day. I can shop and yet have my hands free.

Carry a Bible, a pen and notebook…..but….take a “one pound” Bible, not a large “five pound” Bible.

You WILL NEED space in your suitcase to bring home souvenirs, books you have purchased, rocks you have collected, etc…. (I love to bring back rocks from Israel to give as gifts. People love to have a piece of the Holy Land. I bring old clothes and leave them behind in the hotel room to provide space in my suitcase going home. I even will go to the Goodwill or AmVets and spend $20 (a full wardrobe for me) for clothes that I will wear in Israel and leave there.

The food in Israel is wonderful – most people gain a few pounds on the trip. Do bring packaged cookies, granola bars, crackers, raisins, dry fruit, prunes (!!) etc… to eat in your room, and for lunch on the bus. By eating your own snacks at lunch you will save you $5-7 a day. Soft drinks in Israel usually are approx. $2.00. Water is very inexpensive.

Some of you will want to bring dry Prunes – this speaks for itself.

As with travel in any country that is not your own, drink only bottled water. (Would it amaze those of you who are in the USA to know that people who travel here get gastrointestinal upsets from drinking our water - they do!) I never drink water that is provided on the airplane unless it comes from a sealed bottle. If I can't open a bottle myself then I don't trust it. Bring one small bottle of water for your carry-on luggage. Do not bring a case of water in your suitcase, as some have done! Bottled water in Israel is purified, and inexpensive. Do stick to bottled water. Never drink water from a tap – or from an opened bottle at a food stand. Only, only, only drink from sealed bottles of water/drinks. Keep hydrated. (These are the same instructions that are given to people who travel from other nations that come to the USA!)

If you are on any medication be SURE to put all of it in your carry-on, in case your stored luggage gets lost.

I hope these are helpful. Part II on Monday.

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