Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Quiz - Part II

1.What was the tribe of the only Queen of Israel (Athaliah)?

2.What was the tribe of the only female Judge of Israel?

3.Jesus chose Capernaum as His base of operation. What tribal area?

4.Jesus grew up in Nazareth. What tribal area?

5.Modern day geography. What tribe is associated with Gaza, Jerusalem, Ramala, Masada, Quamran, Serdodt(the area that is under daily rocket attack), and Tel Aviv?

6.What two tribes are not mentioned in the list in Revelation as part of the 144,000?

7.What are the tribes that made up the Southern (Judah) during the Divided Kingdom?

8.What tribe was split in half geographically?

9.What tribe lost most of it’s men in battle. The women had to find other husbands?

10.From what tribe did all the priests come ( and will be priests in the next Temple?)

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