Thursday, April 29, 2010

More Prayer and Thankfulness

What does Scripture say about prayer .... and thankfulness?

I know when some of you read this you will think I really have lost my mind with this one...This week I increased my praying and ability to say thanks to the Lord....and want to share it with you... I have increased my praise and thanks to God in an easy way.

Those who know me closely will tell you that I travel often. When I am on the road alone, staying in motels, hotels, I have a 'safety' habit of calling our to an imaginary room mate as I enter and leave my room. I turn back and say something like, "OK, I'll get it for you"... or "I'm home..." I usually add some male name like..."Butch!" The purpose to make anyone who is listening think that I have a room mate, and am not alone in the room.

I have recently bought a wonderful condo in Knoxville TN. It is in a safe community with adequate lighting but I have started that same "safety" habit, day and night as I enter and leave. Instead of calling out to Bruce, I have been saying "Jesus.,'...."Jesus I'm home..." Then I began to realize that I really felt like I was talking to Jesus. So now I turn it into an audible prayer, usually thanking Jesus for the beautiful day. "Hey Jesus I'm going out for the day. Thank you for the beautiful weather. Protect me today, and help me be the woman You want me to be."

Coming home I might say, "Jesus I'm home...thank you for my beautiful house."

Now this works well since I am alone...don't know how it would work with two people entering a home...but you might want to try it. Let me know what happens.

Happy entering and exiting for Jesus!!

This has given me great joy!!

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