I have just had my 65th birthday and do not consider myself a "grouchy little old lady" (at least not the "grouchy" part). I just need to vent about some things going on in the church community today.
Weekly worship sure has changed since I was a little girl back in the 50's going to church on Sunday....dressed in our best. (In fact, for many churches they have changed the terminology from "worship" to 'gathering' or 'fellowship time'.)I realize that time does change things, and I can accept, even like some of the things that are going on in church....because I believe most things are still Scriptural. I try to make all my judgments based on what I believe God tells us in Scripture. For instance.
Music. Most churches do not have large choirs anymore. They have 'worship teams'. That is ok. Music and singing are in Scripture, yet Scripture never says the choir has to be a large group wearing robes. Today grand organs have been replaced by bands - drums, one or two guitars and a keyboard. Maybe a larger band with trumpets and other horns. Ok, I may prefer the formal type of worship, but all in all I believe the band is Scriptural. Where in Scripture does it mention a grand organ?
In fact, most Scripture talks about a variety of instruments. No problem here, most of this is a matter of tradition vs personal preference.
Now the type of music has come under much attack in the past few years. A study will show that Scripture does not say what type of music we should have. The Psalms give us no idea of musical notes, volume or tunes. Scripture just commands us to sing and worship. It is the words and attitude of our heart that are important. The words give glory to our God, speak of our need, and lift up praise. For those who complain that the music today is 'satanic', most of the contemporary music is based on Scripture. If you will read the Psalms you will very quickly, and very often notice the words of whay you might consider "evil" music - right in front of you. Again, much of this is a matter of tradition vs personal preference.
Look today at the music and joyful dancing that the Jewish community demonstrates at their gatherings. This is tradition passed down through the ages. The joy. The upbeat music. How did Jesus enjoy worship? What type of music did He hear? Did He dance with joy at weddings, worship, etc.... What was His 'practice?'
If you don't like the type of music or the type of musical groups...find another church. Don't complain about the volume, or the pounding of the drums...just go somewhere else. Music, singing and instruments are Scriptural.If you like the hymns, go somewhere that still sings the hymns.
Also, do you not trust your pastor and music leader to be Godly men and to present Godly music?? Lets trust them...they have to explain their choices to God. We should trust them.
So as a grouchy, little old lady I do not complain about the music. I have my own likes and dislikes, but believe music, including bands and worship teams, are Scriptural.
I do have my heartburn about one issue. What about "Attire in the Church" - I mean literally, inside the church. I live in Tennessee, but have been visiting my family in California for several weeks. I have been visiting a church and have been very surprised at the relaxed, informal type of worship.
Last Sunday the Pastor was explaining upcoming events to the church, and lo and behold, he answered some questions for me about why things are informal these days.
His comments included:
1. We want people to feel welcome here.
2. They don't want to come into church and just have someone lecture to them from the pulpit and tell them how to live.
3. We want them to feel like they are sitting on a sofa in our home, so we can have open discussions,after all, its all about what they like...
This churh is planning great outreaches into the community to feed the hungry, care for AIDS patients, provide Recovery Programs for the addicts and clothe those in need. Never was there any mention of sharing the Gospel, or leading people to Christ. Never was the word 'worship' mentioned.
It seems to me that the focus is the people, not our Lord. Its all about the creation, not the Creator. I am totally confused about the new focus of churches. I am trying to remember that I am a little old lady, and that things do tend to change over time...I need to get into Scripture and see what God says about all this.
Let me start with my biggest complaint...attire in the church. As I study this one issue I know that I will find information on all areas of worship.
My mind keeps coming back to the issue of not only what our church leaders should wear on the day we worship, but the attire of the congregation.....so being a good Bible Study student I will use my Stop! Look! Listen! technique to follow through.
Here I read Scripture about the topic. I search concordance and biblical encyclopedia for words such as clothing, robes, garments etc... I will gather scripture related to 'worship'. Like a scientist or detective I will ask: Who? What? Where? When? Why? and How? Gather information. Are there any commands (precepts) about attire related to worship?
The Old Testament will give most of the information, for here God first spoke to the people about worship and lifestyle. What did God expect of the priests? What did God expect of the congregation? In the New Testament I will look at the life of Jesus and the apostles, and the other writings to see what pattern and practice they followed. Is the information in the OT and NT revelant to today...yes.
One important aspect might be....today, are we considered 'priests' before God? Hummmm....seems like there is a verse or two that says that....must look into it. If so...how does that apply to me in the pew today?
I want to study what Scripture says about attire to get this matter settled in my mind.
Here I will study the information gathered in the STOP! section.
God first began giving instruction about His expectations for lifestyle and worship to the Hebrews in the book of Exodus. The people had been delivered by the hand of God from the tyranny of the Egyptians. Crossing the Red Sea they stood at the foot of Mt. Sinai as God presented the "Ten Commandments" and then very specific instructions for the construction and use of the Tabernacle (the worship center.) These two are the very basis for our worship today. This is where we begin.
Now before I make my comments, my 'findings' are based not only on actual "commands" in Scripture (precepts), but also on 'practice' and 'principle.' As a seminary student I was taught to always look at these three facets of Scripture. There is a fine line between twisting Scripture to meet our own ideas, and looking at events and words with an open mind.
I also want to look at
1. Precept - this is an actual command to do something, or not to do something.
2. Practice - the day to day routine, tradition that is based on God's direction for the lifes of the people.
3. Principle.
Ask questons Jeanne: Let me think this through. Would one of the shepherds of Moses have come into the tabernacle in his 'work clothes'? Would the midwives or slaves of the congregation come before the priest, and God, on the day of worship in thier day-to-day clothes?
Would the comman man or woman have come into the tabernacle in their recreational clothes? Did the priest wear his day-to-day robes to come before God and the people on the day of worship, or would the have 'dressed up' ?
Did Zipporah, Deborah, Elizabeth, Mary and Martha, Mary Magdalene, the mothers of Moses, James, John, and Peter go to worship in their day-to-day attire...or did they change into something else? We really dont have concrete answers to these quetions. We can only speculate. I do know that Scripture says that they did go forward to give their offering they were only to bring the best of their tithe...the best lamb, cow, dove.... Why bring the best of an offering, and not bring the best of themselves?
Romans 12:1-2 speaks to me of presenting my body, daily, to God as a living sacrifice. This sacrifice brought into the Temble was spotless - the best. How do I come before the Lord on my worship day? Am I at my best....is my pastor at his best?
It seems that we all have 'our best.' Even a person who lives a very simple life style must have 'best' 'better' or 'routine.'
What about the world today. Look around and see when people tend to dress more formally. I have seen basketball coaches wearing suits. And some very well known men dress formally when they are surrounded by the 'communit,' they dont dress less formally to make sure the people feel comfortable....newscasters, Jay Leno, David Letteman, Donald Trump....etc..
NO now stop Jeanne....it goes back to even a more basic question? WHY even bother about this issue? Is it important or just a waste of time to look into this? Hummmmm.
Here I will apply what I have found in Scripture to my life today.
In this section I ask...
1. What if God had not given us this Scripture (these instructions)?
2. What would we have missed out on if we did not have these Scripture (these instructions)?
3. How can I apply this to my life today in 2010?
(See Random Thoughts 1 and 2)
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