We don’t have all the answers….but….
The word "Rapture" is not in Scripture. It is coined from the Latin term “napiemur” to portray the experience of being ‘snatched away.’ This is what is going to happen one day soon as the people of God disappear from the earth and immediately meet Christ to stand before the judgment seat. (Jack Van Impe Dictionary pg 68).
Do you believe that we may be in the generation that is part of the Rapture?
If you believe we are the generation of the Rapture, how does this belief affect your life day to day? Your decisions about money? Buying a new car? Your job? Your calling from God to minister to those around us?
Just PRETEND that we could figure out the approximate time of the Rapture, and it was in 2012….if you believe in the Rapture…how would your life be different today? We always say that we should live EVERY day as tho Jesus might come back…how does that influence your life today…..or is it all just foolish talk….??
The Rapture is NOT the Second Coming of Christ(From “Popular Encyc. Of Bible Prophecy)
At the Rapture Christ comes in the air and does not touch the ground.
At the Rapture Christ gathers His own
At the Rapture Christ comes to reward his own (1 Thes. 4:17)
At the Rapture resurrection is the prominent theme.
At the rapture believers depart the earth.
At the Rapture unbelievers remain on earth.
At the Rapture Christ’s Kingdom is not mentioned.
At the Rapture, believers receive glorified bodies.
Review these verses 1 Cor. 15:51-52 Ithe Rapture – the mystery of the Old Testament - and described as "a change")
John 14:2-3 (Jesus prediction of the Rapture)
1 Thes. 4:13-18 (Paul’s description of Rapture)
Rapture: When? Before the tribulation:
The Rapture is not mentioned in the book of Revelation – but it is hinted at…..
Rev. 3:10; 1 Thes 5:9
The church is not mentioned after Chapter 3 in Revelation. Revelation Chapters 4-21 are tribulation, wrathful times…the church is not mentioned. Term “Father” not mentioned in Rev. “Father” is an NT term.
The church is in heaven participating in the Judgment Seat of Christ and the Marriage Supper of the Lamb while the tribulation is going on. Romans 14:10, 12
From Genesis to Revelation God provides a way of escape when there is wrath and they are innocent.(discussed below Noah, Lot, the Prophets)
Note: Only believers will hear the trumpet 1 Thes. 4:16
If the Rapture is a world shaking event – does God want us to know? Does God give us “hints” about the Rapture??
God warned man in time of Noah (Lu. 17:26-36; 2 Peter 2:7)
God warned man in time of Lot (same as above)
God warned man through his Old Testament Prophets. Warned for correction, repentance and escape.
1 Thes. 4:13
Mt. 24:36-44 (“but”…verse 37)
Additional self study: many people think that the Feasts of God that the Jewish community celebrate are an outline of history, or predictions. The Jewish religion believes that the Feast of Trumpets - Rosh Hashana is the time when the Messiah will return....study this topic for yourself and and see ...what do you think...do you think God could be giving us a hint as to the time of year that the Rapture might occur. ...What if it is 'next year' at the Feast of Trumpets?
Are you ready?
Would it change your life in any way if you believed that the Rapture was real, and that it might happen, say in the next two years? How would your life be different.
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