My dear friends of the Women’s Bible Study at Chilhoweehills Baptist Church in Knoxville TN have recently started a twelve month study about the twelve tribes of Israel. Meeting once a month, each tribe is researched by a different woman of the group, who presents her findings to the other ladies.
My assignment is Issachar. “Who the heck is Issachar and why should I spend hours and hours of time researching the tribe” was my first response. Beginning my initial research I have discovered that there are very few references to Issachar, but the few I have found have made me ask myself a few questions.
One of the interesting side results from this study is that I am interested in finding out about any Jewish bloodline in my family. I have an aunt and uncle by marriage who were Jewish (I think) – Gruber and Schneider family names. I am beginning a search to find out more about their family trees.
So begins my blogging about the study of the twelve tribes - with a focus on the women of the tribe.
Join with me.
1. Ask your self: Why study the tribes of Israel?
2. Pick a tribe that you might want to research. I suggest the tribe of Levy or Judah because there is so much information about them.
3. What do you know about the women of Scripture in relation to the tribes? Can you name five women and their tribe?
4.. Do you have any friends or relatives with the surname of Ruben, Simon, Asher, Dan, Benjamin, Levi, etc… or something close like, Levy or Cohen? Look in your city phone book and see how many of these names appear. I live in the large city of San Diego, CA, and was amazed to see how many of these names are listed. (That was fun and made this study come alive for me.)
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