Yotvata, Jotbathah. The Israelites stopped here for water on their wilderness wanderings. Twenty eight miles north of Eliat, this modern city and active archaeological site may be the oasis of Deut. 10:7. Where there is water there are men, women and children.
Zareph Area north of Tyre. Here a widow assisted the prophet Elijah with food and water in a time of drought. A stranger, Elijah, called to the widow to provide him with water. He said “do not fear” and she trusted him when he said the God would provide. When her son died, Elijah raised him to life. Jesus mentioned her faith. (1 Kin. 17; Lu.4: 24-26).
Zion Ancient name for the ridge on which the City of David and the First Temple were established. Zion also applied to the entire city of Jerusalem. In the writing of the prophets the name Zion is synonymous with Jerusalem or the Temple Mount (Amos 1:2; Isaiah 2:3).
Zoar Near the area of the Dead Sea where Lot and his daughters lived in a cave after destruction of Sodom. Lots daughters led their father into incest to have children. From these two daughters come the lines of the Moabites and Amonites.(Gen. 19:30). Southern tip of Dead Sea. Several ancient sources connect Zoar with the Jordanian city of Safi.
Zorah Unnamed woman, wife of Manoah, gave birth to Sampson in Zorah (and he was buried in Zorah.) She was told by the Angel of the Lord to raise him as set apart and holy to the Lord, a Nazarite. Manoah and his wife “saw God” (Judg. 13). Southwest of Jerusalem and above the Sorek River. City fortified and maintained by Rehoboam during the Divided Kingdom (Josh. 15:33; 2 Chr.n. 11:10).
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