Zechariah 12:2-3 (Says the LORD) “Behold I will make Jerusalem a cup of drunkenness to all the surrounding peoples, when they lay siege against Judah and Jerusalem. And it shall happen in that day that I will make Jerusalem a very heavy stone for all peoples; all who would heave it away will surely be cut to pieces, though all nations of the earth are gathered against it.”
Palestine Name for the Holy Land that came from the Hebrew word “pelishti.” Pelishti
were the Philistines of the Old Testament. With the Greek language the word was transformed into Greek word “Palaistine” which evolved into “Palestine”, where we get modern day “Palestinians.” See Philistine, cities.
Panias see Caesarea Philippi.
Paran Wilderness of south and south-west Canaan. Moses and Miriam passed through
this area. Abraham lived here with his wives and children. (Gen 21:21; Num. 12:16). At a well in the Paran wilderness, Hagar met with God a second time as she fled with Ishmael (Gen.2:19). See Negev. (See Sychar for more information on wells.)
Penuel Eastern side of Jordan River, opposite Beth Shean, in present day Jordan. Site on Jabbok River where Jacob wrestled with ‘a man,’ all night. Jacobs leg socket was dislocated and his name changed to Israel. Jacob named the place, ‘Penuel’ which means ‘the Face of God’ (Gen. 32). The people of Penuel treated Gideon with disrespect so in retaliation he tore down their tower and killed the men of the city, leaving many widows (Judg. 8).
Peter of Galictu see St. Peter of Galictu.
Petra Fifty miles southeast of the Dead Sea. A narrow ravine that opens to reveal a city
cut in the red sandstone. Part of the kingdom of the Edomites, populated by thousands of people. One of the world’s most spectacular archaeological sites. Recently made famous from the movie, “Raiders of the Lost Ark,” and the “Left Behind” book series by Tim LaHaye. Associated with Edom or Sela in the Scriptures (Judges 1:36; 2 Kin. 14:7). Primary civilization was the Nabateans. For centuries many men, women and children lived in safety in this ‘red rose’ ravine. Many think that this will be the site where Israel will flee for safety from the Antichrist in the end-days.
Philistine, cities The five major cities of the Old Testament Philistines were: Ashdod,
Ekron, Ashkelon, Gath and Gaza. See Palestine.
Pool of Siloam In the western side of the old City of David. Now Silwan. The pool was
a reservoir where the waters of the Gihon Springs were collected for the city water supply (Neh. 3:15). Women and families drew their water from this site. Jesus healed a blind man (John 7). See Birket el-Hamra and Gihon Springs.
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