Day 3
Up early – the time change gets most of us up and wide awake at 3 a.m. We saw sunrise and thousands of black birds flying in circles overhead. Literally thousands. Two fisherman close to where we were standing, were pulling in their nets by hand which had trapped several small fish. (Probably the “Peters fish” that we will eat later.)
Up early – the time change gets most of us up and wide awake at 3 a.m. We saw sunrise and thousands of black birds flying in circles overhead. Literally thousands. Two fisherman close to where we were standing, were pulling in their nets by hand which had trapped several small fish. (Probably the “Peters fish” that we will eat later.)
Boat ride to center of Sea of Galilee after breakfast. Here we are where Jesus walked on water and calmed the storm. (Mark 4:35 ff; Mt. 14:22 ff; John 6:16ff). The captain of the boat took us to the center of the lake and turned off the engines. All that could be heard was the small waves lapping against the side of the boat, and the screech of the seagulls that had followed us from shore. Everyone in good spirits. We sang “I Worship You Almighty God.” We all had tears in our eyes.
Bible teaching by Pastor Crisp. When the disciples saw that Jesus had stilled the storm they said, “What manner of man is this that even the waves obey Him?” The word manner is the same word used by the writer John when he said in 1 John 3:1ff, “What manner of love the Father has bestowed on us…” The word manner in both verses is translated, “not of this world,” i.e. out of this world, supernatural. The Man walking on the water was “out of this world, or not of this world.” The love that God has for us is not of this world. It is supernatural.
The fisherman and disciples of Galilee had wives, sisters, mothers that must have heard the stories of Jesus on the Sea of Galilee stilling the storm, and letting Peter step out of the boat to walk to him.
Women lived in all the villages around the Sea of Galilee. Many thousands of people. That is difficult for me to fathom. So few cities now around the lake. Three cities did hear the “Woe to you” from Jesus and never were rebuilt. Many thousands of people (including women) knew of Jesus, and even saw and heard Him. Many women were personally touched by Him in spiritual and physical healing. Mary Magdalene came from the small village of Magdala that can be seen from the boat.
Mount of Beatitudes. Interesting fact about the church built on Mount. Funds were supplied by Italian dictator Benito Mussolini. The church is built in the shape of an eight-sided heptagon. One side for each of the “Blessed is…” (See photo)
Driving through upper Galilee. Because of the schedule we cannot drive up on the Golan Heights this trip. But we did drive through Hula Valley. It still amazes me that this green, lush area was once a swamp. It was drained in 1956 to provide fertile agricultural land. Israel grows all if its own vegetables. Only beef and lamb are imported (South America.)
Saw Tel Hazor through the bus windows. It is the northen most point of Joshua’s conquest. Hazor is a major archaeologic site, but seldom visited by Christian groups. Few major events in Scripture took place at Hazor.
Beautiful Mt. Hermon seen from the distance. Main source of water for Israel. Many think it was the site of the Transfiguration. 9,223 feet above sea level.
Stopped at Banias/Caesarea Philippi. Caves with altar areas to pagan god, Pan. (See photo). Pastor Crisp taught about the “gates of Hell” in relation to Jesus teaching and choice of Peter as the “small, movable rock.” The Gates of Hell was a crack/crevice at the pagan altar of Pan where sacrifices were made. When Jesus our Lord said, “… on this rock the Gates of Hell shall not prevail,” He was using visual imagery that the people could understand
Visited Tabgha (Church of Heptagon, Church of Seven Springs) traditional site of the feeding of the 5,000. World famous mosaic dating from 5th century.
Drove by Gaderenes area where Jesus healed the demoniac and sent the demons into the herd of swine. Matt. 8:28 ff. Also named “Kursi.”
Ate lunch as Kibbutz on the shores of the Sea of Galilee. A sudden storm came and went over the Sea as we ate lunch, much like it must have suddenly come upon Jesus and the disciples. Pizza and “St. Peter’s fish” for lunch. Todd Houston’s birthday – we humiliated him by singing “Happy Birthday.” God bless and keep sweet Todd and his wife Alisha.
Drove by ruins of Chorizon. The ‘woe’ of Chorizon, Bethesdia and Capernaum were correct/true prophecy. Other cities of the Galilee have been rebuilt – why not these? Because God said so.
On to Capernaum. Mt. 4:12ff. More healings of Jesus than at any other city. The synagogue was built by the gentile centurion – his son was later healed by Jesus. Peter’s house was here. Jesus healed many women here. The woman with the issue of blood, Peter’s mother-in-law (“she immediately got up and served them.”)
The women of Capernaum must have seen and heard of Jesus – Capernaum was the center of His ministry. They handed Him their children to bless. The women were healed by Jesus, and saw Jesus heal their men. Wives of the religious leaders must have heard Jesus rebuke their pious husbands. The women were the unnoticed faces-in-the-crowd; the unmentioned by name. Where the Scripture says, “multitude, crowd, people” there were the silent women.
Saw the “Galilee Boat/ Jesus Boat/Genosar Boat.” What a miracle from God that this boat was discovered in a terrible time of drought for Israel. God bring good from bad. The water level was low and men found this old boat in the mud. It may not be the actual boat of Jesus, but it gives such a strong, visual image for us of the type of boat that Jesus must have used around the Sea of Galilee.
Drove by Migdal. (See photo of Mt. Arbel and the village of Migdal, from a boat on the Sea of Galilee) Mary Magdalene loved Jesus with a never ending devotion after He healed her from the seven demons. Was she young or old? Rich or poor? She was not a prostitute as the Catholics teach. She was one who must have wondered, and personally known, “What manner of man is this?” She knew first hand. Did Mary have sisters, family, even a mother?
So much to see and to reflect upon. What a great God we have to love us all so. To come and die to take us out of our darkness in to a new life here on earth of light, joy, and freedom. To assure us of a life in eternity….just for believing in what is offered to us. Pastor quoted a Scripture today that says it all, and I get to paraphrase it, “ Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on Jeanne that she should be called a child of God….now we are the children of God, and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is.” 1 John 3:1ff. Thank You Lord! Praise You Lord!
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